Here you will find news and social media entries about crewed, single-handed or double-handed offshore sailing with the Dehler 30 one design.
offshore sailing News Dehler 30 one design

The Corona season 2020
Social life and the economy are moving ever closer to a standstill in order to adequately treat as many Covid 19 sufferers as possible and save lives. The question hangs in the air: how long will this last and what will become of the 2020 sailing season? Kiel Week has already decided to move to early September (September 5-13). The ORC regattas are still on the program, but the Warnemünder Woche will not take place this year. The organizers have announced a postponement to next year. Behind the scenes, however, there are efforts to organize Rund Bornholm this year after all.The organizers of the North Sea Week from May 29 to June 1 are fighting to save at least part of the sporting program. A press release from the organizers states, "If it is clear by May 15, 2020 that Helgoland may be entered and regattas sailed, we will hold the Capitell Cup Rund Helgoland and Pantaenius Rund Skagen with a minimal team and at minimal expense (no tent, no support boats, no parties, etc.). "Robert Nowatzki, the conscientiously quirky organizer of Midsummersail is asking this year's participants to be patient and keep their heads cool. "Should the authorities allow it, there will be a MidsummerSail 2020, no matter how close it gets," he says in a circular dated March 29.At Baltic500 (May 20-25), everyone still seems to be holding their feet still and hoping.And sailing at all?Anyone asking how we start the season individually can refer to the recommendations of the German Sailing Association (https://www. Stand 30.03) and the notices of the waterways and navigation offices.Excerpts from the recommendations of the sailing association: "Since 16.03.2020, there is an agreement of the federal government and the states, according to which gatherings in clubs and sports and recreational facilities are to be prohibited. This means that no more events may be held as part of club life. This includes, but is not limited to, meetings, regattas, instruction and training, club organized slips, and joint winter work. Access to clubhouses is to be denied.""The extent to which winter work in boat sheds by individuals is possible should be inquired of local authorities. However, we advise against opening the boat halls, as in case of doubt it is not possible to later trace who has been there.""We also advise against setting off on a sailing trip, as many marinas are already closed and the virus is spread unnecessarily by traveling. "The Lübeck Waterways and Shipping Authority has issued the following restrictions for the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein in an announcement: Entry or exit of boats into or from recreational boat harbors is not permitted. Winter storage operations are only permitted within the framework of the applicable regulations on contact avoidance, i.e. outside club activities and without gatherings, e.g. in winter storage halls. Communal winter storage activities, e.g. for craning, are not permitted.A general ban on tourist trips for private reasons applies to the coast of MV. The state water protection police office M-V will carry out controls in this connection, it was said in a communication of the WSA Stralsund.It goes ahead nevertheless! Kalle Dehler has already sighted and photographed some Dehler 30 one design in different design on the shipyard area in Greifswald. And someday we will see each other on the water.
The Dehler 30 one design class is conquering international waters: whether in Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Greece or...
Gepostet von Dehler 30 one design class association am Donnerstag, 11. März 2021
Happy international women's day! We are proud that many female sailors have already taken the helm on the Dehler 30 one...
Gepostet von Dehler 30 one design class association am Montag, 8. März 2021